Discover Sleepy Time Life can get hectic at times. More and more people are seeking safer and more natural ways to unwind and relax. We’ve curated our bestselling naturally caffeine-free remedies to help you feel calm, relaxed, and fall asleep. Organic Lemon Ginger Our soothing and aromatic Organic Lemon Ginger is rich in gingerol. It helps reduce stress and combat the free radicals which cause aging. It also cleanses harmful toxins from within our bodies. buy Organic Lemon Ginger Honeybush Lemongrass A relaxing duo of Thai lemongrass and honeybush. Honeybush is a fragrant and sweet plant whose leaves have been brewed as teas in...
Discover Morning Vibes (Awakening) Tea is the perfect beverage to wake up to. Jump-start your morning to awaken your body and clear your mind. Our tea selection will give you an energy boost without the coffee jitters while improving your overall health. Our recommended morning teas are from the black tea family, which generally contains a moderate level of naturally-occurring caffeine as well as vitamins B, C, and E, which has been shown to aid in boosting your energy levels. Black tea also contains an amino acid called L-theanine, which can improve accuracy, alertness and focus by increasing alpha activity...
Discover Wellness Tea is a fundamental part of many ancient wellness practices including traditional medicine in China and Ayurveda in India. Modern science has also verified the detoxifying and antioxidant effects of tea. The beverage is widely considered a top 10 superfood for these reasons. Antioxidants are our body’s defence against pollution and disease. Shown to help prevent sustained illnesses like cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s, these renowned nutrients are prevalent in the tea leaf. But which teas contain the most antioxidants? We’ve conducted extensive testing on hundreds of teas, with some surprising results. While green teas predictably come out...
Discover Focus Unlike coffee, tea won’t give you the jittery highs and woozy lows. Starting the day with a cup of tea promotes an alert mind and a balanced energy level thanks to the caffeine’s slow-release formulation. In particular, the following green teas have been shown to contain markedly higher levels of l’theanine. These amino acids increase “alpha-wave activity”, which promotes higher mental alertness through steady “slow release” of caffeine and prevents you from ‘crashing’. Apart from boosting your mental focus and performance, these teas have also been shown to help reduce stress. Recommended Teas: Earl Green A fresh and...